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*New policy in effect on Tuesday, August 13, 2024*
Due to the increase in no-shows and last minute cancellations we will require all customers to keep a card on file to reserve appointments. Your card will not be charged at this time, it’s simply to hold the appointment time slot for you.
Cancellations and No Shows:
In the event that you need to cancel your appointment, please be sure to give us a 1 day notice. This allows other guests to book an appointment during this time slot.
Any appointments that are canceled or rescheduled on the same day as your appointment are subject to a cancellation fee of $15 for one hour (or less) services and $35 for multi-hour services. Any appointments that are no show will be charged $20/hour of scheduled service(s).
As a courtesy, we email, text or call to confirm your service appointments 2 days prior to your appointment date. However, if we are unable to reach you, it is still your responsibility to remember your appointment dates and times to avoid late arrivals, missed appointments and the cancellation fee.
Thank you so much for respecting our time.
- Your friends at TCE
(Please Add Preferred Services and Stylist)
Please allow 24- 48 hours for an email response. For the quickest booking experience please call to schedule.

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